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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for the CAADP Kampala Summit

CAADP is short for the Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme a continental framework that was introduced by the African Union in 2003 to guide and influence the acceleration of agricultural transformation in Africa.

CAADP is hinged on four priority areas on which African countries rely to develop specific policies, plans and strategies for sector development, namely,

  • Extending the area under sustainable land management and reliable water control systems.
  • Improving rural infrastructure and trade-related capacities for market access
  • Increasing food supply, reducing hunger, and improving responses to food emergency crises
  • Improving agriculture research, technology dissemination and adoption

Member states and countries of the African Union report on progress biennially following a CAADP scorecard that indicates performance against the targets.

The CAADP Kampala Summit is an Extraordinary Summit for African Union Heads of State and Governments, organized to consider and adopt a new 10-year CAADP Strategy and Action Plan (2026-2035) and a Kampala CAADP Declaration.

The Kampala Declaration will include specific targets adopted by African Heads of State and Governments.

The summit will be held in Kampala, Uganda, from January 9th to 11th, 2025.

The Summit is expected to draw participation from the fifty-five (55) AU Member States at the Head of State and Government level, Ministers responsible for Agriculture, Ministers responsible for Foreign Affairs, AUC, Regional Economic Communities, Academia, Research Institutions, Farmers and Farmers Organizations, Private Sector, Youths, Development Partners, and the media. The AUC estimates the Summit to be attended by over 2,000 delegates.

Uganda is chairing the CAADP Kampala Summit. Uganda was elected as the Chair of the African Union (AU) Specialized Technical Committee (STC) on Agriculture, Rural Development, Water and Environment (ARDWE) for two years during the fifth Ordinary Session held in November 2023. The Bureau chaired by Uganda is constituted as follows:

  •  Chair: Republic of Uganda (Eastern Africa) 
  • 1st Vice Chair: Republic of Cameroon (Central Africa)
  • 2nd Vice Chair: Republic of Cote d'Ivoire (West Africa)
  • 3rd Vice Chair: Republic of Namibia (Southern Africa)
  • Rapporteur: Arab Republic of Egypt (Northern Africa)

During the 5th Ordinary Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Water and Environment, also known as the STC-ARDWE, Uganda proposed hosting the Extra-Ordinary Summit in Kampala. This proposal was endorsed by the Forty-Fourth Ordinary Session of the African Union Executive Council and subsequently approved by the thirty-seventh Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union held in February 2024.

  • 9th January 2025: Meeting of Ministers responsible for Agriculture with invited relevant delegations.
  • 10th January 2025: Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs with Ministers in charge of Agriculture.
  • 11th January 2025: Extra-Ordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government.

A National Organizing Committee (NOC) has been constituted, composed of relevant Government Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs). The inaugural meeting of the NOC was held on 25th September 2025 at MAAIF Headquarters. The NOC is responsible for organizing a successful Summit in all aspects. Preparations include:

  • Presentation of a Cabinet Paper on 30th September 2024.
  • Constitution of the National Organizing Committee (NOC). 
  • Invitations to African Union Heads of State and Government. 
  • Conclusion of technical documents (CAADP Strategy and Action Plan 2026-35, and the Kampala CAADP Declaration).
  • An African Union Commission assessment mission in November 2024 classified Uganda’s state of preparedness as commendable.

The AUC is leading the process of drafting the CAADP Strategy and Action Plan 2026-2035. The AUC hosted a meeting of the CAADP 2026-2035 Strategy and Action Plan Drafting Team in August 2024 in Kampala. The draft was subjected to peer review and stakeholder validation. The AUC will also join the NOC team to inspect the facilities for hosting the Summit.

The expected outcome of the Summit is the adoption of the Kampala Declaration and the CAADP 2026-2035 Strategy and Action Plan. This will shape the future of Africa’s agricultural sector for the next decade.

The Hon. Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, as Chairperson of the Specialized Technical Committee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Water and Environment (STC-ARDWE) has provided strategic guidance to the AUC on the CAADP 2026-2035 Strategy and Action Plan. The Minister presided over the opening of the validation meeting and formally communicated strategic aspects that the Strategy and Action Plan should address.

The Government of Uganda and the African Union Commission (AUC) will host two major side events:

  •  “Women and Youths in Agrifood Systems”
  •  “Refugees/Forced Migration and Agrifood Systems in Africa”

These events will be held under the sub-theme: “Building Resilience of Agrifood Systems through Commercialization.”

The outcomes of the Summit, including the Kampala Declaration and the CAADP 2026-2035 Strategy and Action Plan, will guide the continent's agricultural policies and strategies for the next ten years, aiming to achieve sustainable and resilient agrifood systems for a healthy and prosperous Africa.

Delegations wishing to have additional vehicles for their Heads of delegations will be responsible for hiring them at their own cost, from licensed and approved companies.
Delegations wishing to hire armored vehicles for their Heads of State and Government are requested to inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through diplomatic channels, on . Upon receipt of the request, delegations will be advised of the approved companies providing this service. Delegations will be responsible for all costs related to the acquisition of these vehicles.

If acquired outside Uganda, full vehicle details should be provided, including expected date of entry and exit. The Government of Uganda will be providing the necessary clearances for the entry and exit of such hired vehicles.


The Government of the Republic of Uganda will provide dedicated motorcades to Heads of Delegation according to the level of representation i.e. Heads of State/ Government and Spouses, Vice President, Pr ime Minister or equivalent, Ministers and other levels.

Delegations that will require additional vehicles will hire them at their own cost from the listed and approved licensed Car rental companies.

Transport will be provided to delegates from the Airport to designated hotels.

Regular Shuttle transport will also be provided to delegates to and from the designated hotels to the Summit venue. Please note that the Shuttle services will be provided to a nd from designated hotels and locations only. Delegates will be required to display their accreditation badges to access the shuttle transport services.

Delegates who will reside outside the designated hotels will be responsible for transporting themselve s to and from their accommodation hotels to the designated hotels and locations where shuttle transport will be stationed.